On this page you can find all social media links/credit of people whose projects are listed on the project's page

Here are links to my social media accounts. Discord servers for specific projects are linked at the project's page.

awesome person. gave a lot of windows modding advice and is just generally a legend.

OldClash wouldnt be possible without this person.

Creator of Windows eXPerience, and co-creator of Windows Harmony. Someone who has talent and likes making windows concepts (theyre fire btw).

He made the rbdium roblox 2014 revival, hosts it and got the scripts and other stuff working. He's good in patching stuff.

CEO of gayeloft inc. Gayeloft is an awesome pvt svr which revives old gameloft games.

Did awesome stuff with the snapchat API and also made Snappy possible.

Awesome tester of all the stuff.

Was a former contributor to a project, but isnt anymore. Still a good friend tho.